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Ads server provider for other sites

This extension allows you to post ad boxes with source from the e-shop (ad server) in other yours or partner sites (ad client).

You can create as many as you like different ad boxes. Each advert is powered by built-in Opencart carousel, with the possibility of setting the number of visible pages, autoplay, pause, pagination and more. If there is only one page in the box, then the ad box will be static. Integration of the ad box is easy through iframe.

Possible sources for the ad box pages:
  • Selected range of products
  • Selected set of categories
  • Selected range of manufacturers/brands
  • HTML with or without basic image

Main settings:
  • Connection with affiliate to put tracking code
  • Visual HTML editor content
  • Set the sort order of different ad sources
  • Sample code to copy/paste and embed the ad box
  • Title of the box with HTML permitted
  • The box can have or not a close button
  • Define the size of the main image
  • Select the main stylesheet
  • Select the box stylesheet
  • If to shuffle items in each ad source (products, categories, brands)
  • Number of items to include after shuffle

Carousel settings:
  • Autoplay on/off
  • Set autoplay timeout
  • Number of visible items (depends on width of the box)
  • If to pause on hover
  • If to show pagination controls
  • If to show navigation controls

Site with demo as host for provided ad box:
Demo ad box

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